Every homeowner knows they need insurance. However, with the wealth of options and plans available, how do you know what's best for you?
We're not a huge call center, and we don't work for just 1 company. Everyone in our office is a licensed agent, so whoever answers the phone can assist you. We've spent 15 years helping Duluth, Minnesota locals weigh options and select plans that perfectly suit their individual needs. We're able to locate the plans that the big agencies can't. Let us do the same for you.
There are lots of ins and outs to homeowners insurance. Different plans with different companies offer vastly different coverage. We'll help you decide on what to pick up, and what you can probably leave on the table.
We'll explain policies that include:
•Renter's insurance
•Trampoline coverage
•Sewer and drain backup
•Pet insurance
•Jewelry and valuable item coverage
•Fire, flood and earthquake coverage
•Traveler's insurance
Independent Agencies can custom design an insurance program to meet your insurance needs. We have many companies from which to choose to get the best coverage at a reasonable price. We can choose the company that best fits your needs instead of fitting you to the company regardless of your needs. We compare rates and coverage from many different companies.